Australia FIFA World Cup Blog

Australia has finally qualified for the World Cup after 32 long and agonising years! We are off to Germany, and I cannot believe it. I am a fan of all Australian sport and write for the Victorian Amateur Football Association, and the President of one of Australia's largest cricket clubs, and had my best man at my wedding play for the Socceroos. And now I am off to Germany for the trip of a lifetime. This is my story.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Cousin Frankie

I went to a cousin's wedding on the weekend, and coming from a family that are all die hard football fans, the topic naturally came up about the World Cup. Two of my cousin's, Frank and John will both be there. John is actually a player agent and will be there on a working holiday, while Frank is a lot less organised.

His plans are to fly into Amsterdam and go and watch the Aussies final practice match in Holland and then find his way into Antwerp where he will stay with one of his brother's mates. He will then try to get into Germany by hiring a panel van in Belgium and just sleep in the back for a month! He plans to shower at train stations or hospitals. What a classic. He has also worded me up to stay in our room on the floor and to use our shower. I told him no problems, so long as he pays. Not likely was his response!

To top it off, he has not even got any tickets yet. Knowing Frank though, he will scam his way in somehow. He will be one of the many characters that will be there in Germany I am sure, and I am looking forward to downing copious amounts of the amber fluid with him.


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